Search code examples

Multiple OR and AND conditions with Elasticsearch php

I would like to achieve the following query with ElasticSearch :

product_shipper = 1 AND ((product_type = product and price>0) OR (product_type = product_variation and price=0))

I've built the following query but it doesn't work, sending me an empty result :

              "query"=> [
                  "bool"=> [
                     "must"=> [
                           "bool"=> [
                              "should" => [
                                    "bool"=> [
                                        "must"=> [
                                            [ "match" => [ "product_type" => "product" ] ],
                                     "bool"=> [
                                        "must"=> [
                                            [ "match" => [ "product_type" => "product_variation" ] ],
                                            [ "match" => [ "price" => 0 ] ]
                        [ 'match' => [ 'product_shipper' => $shipper ] ],

What am I doing wrong?


  • I had a tiny issue in my syntax at the should clause level, here is the working code example, hope it helps a lot of people starting with Elasticsearch.

    "query"=> [
    "bool"=> [
        "must"=> [
                "bool"=> [
                    "should" => [
                            "bool"=> [
                                "must"=> [
                                    [ "match" => [ "product_type" => "product" ] ],
                                    [ "range"=>['price'=>['gt'=>0]]],
                            "bool"=> [
                                "must"=> [
                                    [ "match" => [ "product_type" => "product_variation" ] ],
                'match' => [ 'product_shipper' => $shipper ]