I wonder, if there is a way to check if mongoDB server is running from java driver for mongoDB?
According to the tutorial, I can do
Mongo m = new Mongo();
// or
Mongo m = new Mongo( "localhost" , 27017 );
// and
DB db = m.getDB( "mydb" );
But how to check that I can use these Mongo and DB? I see no isConnected() method in the API.
returns true
The only way I found is call db.getDatabaseNames() and catch MongoException.
If there some more civilized approach?
if there is a way to check if mongoDB server is running from java driver for MongoDB?
So if you can do the following:
Mongo m = new Mongo( "localhost" , 27017 );
DB db = m.getDB( "mydb" );
Then you are connected to the database, otherwise that m.getDB()
would be throwing an exception. If you can connect to the database, then the MongoDB server is running.
The only way I found is call db.getDatabaseNames() and catch MongoException. If there some more civilized approach?
Is there something specifically wrong with this approach?
The driver basically runs in a sandbox where it can or cannot connect. You're asking the driver to know something specific about the server (is process X running?), but that's not the driver's job. It can either connect or it can't, it's not responsible for operating the service/process, just for connecting to it.
To know that the process is actually running, you need administrative functions on that server that allow you to check that mongod
is indeed running with the correct parameters.