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Jump to Protected Mode is restarting QEMU

I have successfully written code for real mode. But the trouble started with 32-bit Protected Mode. Before jumping to Protected Mode, I have disabled interrupts using cli, loaded GDT using lgdt and set 32-bit mode bit in cr0. But QEMU is rebooting infinitely. Following are the codes


[BITS 16]
            BOOTSEG equ 0x7c00
            DATASEG equ 0x07c0
            STACKSEG equ 0x17c0
            EXTRASEG equ 0x37c0
            STACKPOINT equ 0x0000

            BLACKONWHITE equ 0x0F
            YELLOWONBLUE equ 0x1E

            VIDEO_MEMORY equ 0xb8000

            global _start


            xor ax, ax

            mov ax, STACKSEG
            mov ss, ax              ;initializing stack segment
            mov sp, STACKPOINT
            mov ax, DATASEG
            mov ds, ax              ;initializing data segment

            mov ax, EXTRASEG
            mov es, ax               ;initializing extra segment

            call Switch_To_Pm

            %include "./screen.asm"
            %include "./lib.asm"
            %include "./gdt.asm"
            %include "./protected_mode/switch_to.asm"

[bits  32]

            jmp $

            times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0

            dw 0xAA55



                dd 0x0
                dd 0x0

                dw 0xffff
                dw 0x0
                db 0x0
                db 10011010b
                db 11001111b
                db 0x0

                dw 0xffff
                dw 0x0
                db 0x0
                db 10010010b
                db 11001111b
                db 0x0


                dw gdt_end - gdt_start - 1
                dd gdt_start

CODE_SEG equ code_descriptor - gdt_start

DATA_SEG equ data_descriptor - gdt_start


    [BITS 16]
                lgdt [gdt_descriptor]
                mov eax , cr0
                or eax , 0x1
                mov cr0 ,eax
                jmp CODE_SEG:Init_Pm

[BITS 32]

                mov ax, DATA_SEG
                mov ds, ax
                mov ss, ax
                mov es, ax
                mov fs, ax
                mov gs, ax

                call Begin_Pm

lib.asm contains a delay routine using int 0x15 and screen.asm contains BIOS routines to print text in real mode.

Following are the commands I used to build

nasm -fbin -o boot.bin boot.asm
qemu boot.bin

Don't know why but QEMU is rebooting infinitely. Code till real mode worked well. Probably there is a problem with switching to Protected Mode.

Prior thanks to any help


  • I think I have identified where the problem is. The problem is with the line jmp CODE_SEG:Init_Pm in protected_mode/switch_to.asm. I should add an offset of 0x7c00 to the far jump.
    Instead I used [org 0x7c00] and rewrote both real mode and protected mode codes, it worked.