I'm using Unity and Google Mobile Ads 8.7.0 to implement ads in my game. I've read Google Prepare for IOS here https://developers.google.com/admob/ios/ios14. But confused where and how to implement the required source codes.
The file states that we should place -void requestIDFA in our XCODE project. Few videos on YouTube has placed the code in their AppDelagate.h script.
But Admobs SDK 8.7.0 dosent include an AppDelagate.h file. Where should I place the -void (requestIDFA) script from Google. Will anywhere suffice or must there be a specific place you implement it.
You're probably the one who asked me on my YouTube video, and I answered you. However the simplest solution is to use the Unity package iOS 14 Advertising Support, you find it in the package manager.