Given and string we need to find out the total number of substrings in which 1's are greater than 0's.
I approached this problem using Dynamic programming but I was not able to come up with a solution, I am successful in writing a naive-logic but I was not able to optimize the code (i.e time limit is exceeding)
Any help in optimizing or suggestions for a new approach will be help full. The time complexity of below code is O(n^3) Any solutions to reduce the time-complexity will be helpfull.
Thank in advance.
Code I used:
using namespace std;
int main(){
int tc =0; //total count
string st; //original string
int lent = st.size(); //size of string
for(int i =0;i<lent;i++){ //loop to generate all possible substrings
int j = lent-1;
string st1(st.begin()+i,st.end()-j+i); // A substring
int c1 = count(st1.begin(),st1.end(),'1'); // count of 1's in substring
if(c1 > st1.size()-c1) tc++; // Condition to check if 1's are more
cout << tc; // Print total substrings
Note: A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string. For more information about substrings visit Wikipedia
Treat respectively '0' and '1' as integers 1 and -1. Then the string becomes an integer array. Calculate its prefix sum array s
, i.e., s[0] = 0
and s[i] = a[0] + ... + a[i - 1]
. Now every substring with number of '1's > number of '0's corresponds to a pair (i, j)
such that i < j
and s[i] > s[j]
. You can then use the trick in find total number of (i,j) pairs in array such that i<j and a[i]>a[j]. The time complexity is O(n log n).