I am trying to return the value of @microsoft.graph.downloadUrl
from the json object below:
'@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl': 'https://public.bl.files.1drv.com/XXXX',
createdDateTime: '2021-07-10T06:14:31.03Z',
cTag: 'QQQQ',
eTag: 'SSSS',
id: 'FFFF',
lastModifiedDateTime: '2021-07-12T09:27:21.69Z',
name: 'FILE_NAME',
size: 98580,
webUrl: 'https://1drv.ms/b/SSSS',
reactions: { commentCount: 0 },
createdBy: { application: [Object], user: [Object] },
lastModifiedBy: { user: [Object] },
parentReference: {
driveId: 'XXX',
driveType: 'personal',
id: 'YYYY!YYY',
name: 'Documents',
path: '/drive/root:/Documents'
file: { mimeType: 'application/pdf', hashes: [Object] },
fileSystemInfo: {
createdDateTime: '2021-07-10T06:14:31.03Z',
lastModifiedDateTime: '2021-07-12T09:27:21.69Z'
I wish to use something like this that i had done to extract the name as I need to be able to get the @microsoft.graph.downloadUrl
from each json object (known as f below) in 'files'.
var fileName = (JSON.stringify(files[f].name));
I tried both:
var fileURL = (JSON.stringify(files[f]."@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl"));
var fileURL = (JSON.stringify(files[f].@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl));
but neither work -- any help would be much appreciated!
You should just use files[f]["@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl"]