I have a javascript code where I use the web worker with the p5.js library. it wouldn't allow me to use any of p5's functions so I have to use the importScripts("p5.js")
function to import the p5.js library before using any of p5's functions.
onmessage = (e)=>{
// other scripts
But even then it gives me another error that said "Uncaught ReferenceError: window is not defined". I tracked it down and it seemed that p5 is unable to use the global variable named "window". I searched around the internet for a solution but so far found none. I wonder if there is a way around this. Thank you.
The issue here is that web workers run in a very isolated context where many of the standard global variables that would exist for javascript running on a website (window, document, etc) don't exist, and unfortunately p5.js cannot load without these variables. You could try shimming them with fake versions. Here's a basic example:
let loadHandlers = [];
window = {
performance: performance,
document: {
hasFocus: () => true,
createElementNS: (ns, elem) => {
console.warn(`p5.js tryied to created a DOM element '${ns}:${elem}`);
// Web Workers don't have a DOM
return {};
screen: {},
addEventListener: (e, handler) => {
if (e === "load") {
} else {
console.warn(`p5.js tried to added an event listener for '${e}'`);
removeEventListener: () => {},
location: {
href: "about:blank",
origin: "null",
protocol: "about:",
host: "",
hostname: "",
port: "",
pathname: "blank",
search: "",
hash: ""
document = window.document;
screen = window.screen;
// Without a setup function p5.js will not declare global functions
window.setup = () => {
// Initialize p5.js
for (const handler of loadHandlers) {
postMessage({ color: "green" });
onmessage = msg => {
if (msg.data === "getRandomColor") {
// p5.js places all of its global declarations on window
color: window.random([
This is only going to work for a limited subset of p5.js functions. Any functions that draw to the canvas are definitely not going to work. And I would be cautious about trying to pass objects back and forth (i.e. p5.Vector, p5.Color, etc) because everything sent via postMessage gets serialized and deserialized.
I've posted a working version of this example on Glitch.