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Change link colors of Google Chart Sankey diagram

I have a list of lists with [from, to, value, color] entries. I want to create a Sankey diagram with it in google charts. Creating a basic Sankey diagram is not difficult, however, I would like to change the link colors based on the RGB values in the list. I read in the documentation that we can add an optional column role for style. So, I tried to add this in different ways:

data.addColumn({type: 'string',role: 'style'});


data.addColumn('string', 'style');

But none of them work. I also tried setting the color attribute to fill-color but to no avail. Lastly I also tried to edit the options variable at the bottom of the code, since the node and link colors are here also defined. But I'm not sure how to use the lists values here. Simply changing the colors list to a list of RGB values does not work, since the order is then not correct (wrong RGB values are assigned to the links). How do I make sure that the links are filled with the RGB value from the 4th element of the lists? The current output of the code can be found below.


    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    <div id="sankey_multiple" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
      google.charts.load("current", {
        packages: ["sankey"]

      function drawChart() {
        var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
        data.addColumn('string', 'From');
        data.addColumn('string', 'To');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Weight');
          type: 'string',
          role: 'style'
          ['C0_1', 'C0_2', 638, 'color: rgb(255, 207, 207)'],
          ['C0_1', 'C1_2', 164, 'color: rgb(255, 130, 130)'],
          ['C1_1', 'C0_2', 123, 'color: rgb(255, 207, 207)'],
          ['C1_1', 'C1_2', 1313, 'color: rgb(255, 130, 130)'],
          ['C0_2', 'C0_3', 555, 'color: rgb(255, 212, 212)'],
          ['C0_2', 'C1_3', 105, 'color: rgb(255, 127, 127)'],
          ['C1_2', 'C0_3', 111, 'color: rgb(255, 212, 212)'],
          ['C1_2', 'C1_3', 1320, 'color: rgb(255, 127, 127)'],
          ['C0_3', 'C0_4', 495, 'color: rgb(255, 217, 217)'],
          ['C0_3', 'C1_4', 80, 'color: rgb(255, 119, 119)'],
          ['C1_3', 'C0_4', 157, 'color: rgb(255, 217, 217)'],
          ['C1_3', 'C1_4', 1223, 'color: rgb(255, 119, 119)'],
          ['C0_4', 'C0_5', 374, 'color: rgb(255, 219, 219)'],
          ['C0_4', 'C1_5', 32, 'color: rgb(255, 66, 66)'],
          ['C0_4', 'C2_5', 157, 'color: rgb(255, 186, 186)'],
          ['C1_4', 'C0_5', 91, 'color: rgb(255, 219, 219)'],
          ['C1_4', 'C1_5', 623, 'color: rgb(255, 66, 66)'],
          ['C1_4', 'C2_5', 545, 'color: rgb(255, 186, 186)'],
          ['C0_5', 'C0_6', 299, 'color: rgb(255, 225, 225)'],
          ['C0_5', 'C1_6', 27, 'color: rgb(255, 63, 63)'],
          ['C0_5', 'C2_6', 59, 'color: rgb(255, 170, 170)'],
          ['C1_5', 'C0_6', 13, 'color: rgb(255, 225, 225)'],
          ['C1_5', 'C1_6', 425, 'color: rgb(255, 63, 63)'],
          ['C1_5', 'C2_6', 197, 'color: rgb(255, 170, 170)'],
          ['C2_5', 'C0_6', 136, 'color: rgb(255, 225, 225)'],
          ['C2_5', 'C1_6', 135, 'color: rgb(255, 63, 63)'],
          ['C2_5', 'C2_6', 409, 'color: rgb(255, 170, 170)'],
          ['C0_6', 'C0_7', 273, 'color: rgb(255, 219, 219)'],
          ['C0_6', 'C1_7', 29, 'color: rgb(255, 62, 62)'],
          ['C0_6', 'C2_7', 62, 'color: rgb(255, 199, 199)'],
          ['C1_6', 'C0_7', 12, 'color: rgb(255, 219, 219)'],
          ['C1_6', 'C1_7', 440, 'color: rgb(255, 62, 62)'],
          ['C1_6', 'C2_7', 116, 'color: rgb(255, 199, 199)'],
          ['C2_6', 'C0_7', 49, 'color: rgb(255, 219, 219)'],
          ['C2_6', 'C1_7', 211, 'color: rgb(255, 62, 62)'],
          ['C2_6', 'C2_7', 382, 'color: rgb(255, 199, 199)'],
          ['C0_7', 'C0_8', 239, 'color: rgb(255, 208, 208)'],
          ['C0_7', 'C1_8', 9, 'color: rgb(255, 40, 40)'],
          ['C0_7', 'C2_8', 31, 'color: rgb(255, 192, 192)'],
          ['C1_7', 'C0_8', 39, 'color: rgb(255, 208, 208)'],
          ['C1_7', 'C1_8', 403, 'color: rgb(255, 40, 40)'],
          ['C1_7', 'C2_8', 210, 'color: rgb(255, 192, 192)'],
          ['C2_7', 'C0_8', 77, 'color: rgb(255, 208, 208)'],
          ['C2_7', 'C1_8', 106, 'color: rgb(255, 40, 40)'],
          ['C2_7', 'C2_8', 344, 'color: rgb(255, 192, 192)'],
          ['C0_8', 'C0_9', 222, 'color: rgb(255, 227, 227)'],
          ['C0_8', 'C1_9', 24, 'color: rgb(255, 49, 49)'],
          ['C0_8', 'C2_9', 47, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C1_8', 'C0_9', 6, 'color: rgb(255, 227, 227)'],
          ['C1_8', 'C1_9', 367, 'color: rgb(255, 49, 49)'],
          ['C1_8', 'C2_9', 110, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C2_8', 'C0_9', 49, 'color: rgb(255, 227, 227)'],
          ['C2_8', 'C1_9', 147, 'color: rgb(255, 49, 49)'],
          ['C2_8', 'C2_9', 369, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C0_9', 'C2_10', 24, 'color: rgb(255, 188, 188)'],
          ['C0_9', 'C1_10', 9, 'color: rgb(255, 26, 26)'],
          ['C0_9', 'C0_10', 192, 'color: rgb(255, 204, 204)'],
          ['C1_9', 'C2_10', 156, 'color: rgb(255, 188, 188)'],
          ['C1_9', 'C1_10', 332, 'color: rgb(255, 26, 26)'],
          ['C1_9', 'C0_10', 40, 'color: rgb(255, 204, 204)'],
          ['C2_9', 'C2_10', 340, 'color: rgb(255, 188, 188)'],
          ['C2_9', 'C1_10', 90, 'color: rgb(255, 26, 26)'],
          ['C2_9', 'C0_10', 67, 'color: rgb(255, 204, 204)'],
          ['C2_10', 'C2_11', 297, 'color: rgb(255, 198, 198)'],
          ['C2_10', 'C1_11', 137, 'color: rgb(255, 19, 19)'],
          ['C2_10', 'C0_11', 62, 'color: rgb(255, 237, 237)'],
          ['C1_10', 'C2_11', 75, 'color: rgb(255, 198, 198)'],
          ['C1_10', 'C1_11', 319, 'color: rgb(255, 19, 19)'],
          ['C1_10', 'C0_11', 13, 'color: rgb(255, 237, 237)'],
          ['C0_10', 'C2_11', 27, 'color: rgb(255, 198, 198)'],
          ['C0_10', 'C1_11', 23, 'color: rgb(255, 19, 19)'],
          ['C0_10', 'C0_11', 210, 'color: rgb(255, 237, 237)'],
          ['C2_11', 'C2_12', 247, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C2_11', 'C1_12', 95, 'color: rgb(255, 0, 0)'],
          ['C2_11', 'C0_12', 43, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C1_11', 'C2_12', 182, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C1_11', 'C1_12', 267, 'color: rgb(255, 0, 0)'],
          ['C1_11', 'C0_12', 12, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C0_11', 'C2_12', 60, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C0_11', 'C1_12', 9, 'color: rgb(255, 0, 0)'],
          ['C0_11', 'C0_12', 180, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C2_12', 'C2_13', 261, 'color: rgb(255, 183, 183)'],
          ['C2_12', 'C0_13', 98, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C2_12', 'C1_13', 107, 'color: rgb(255, 20, 20)'],
          ['C1_12', 'C2_13', 86, 'color: rgb(255, 183, 183)'],
          ['C1_12', 'C0_13', 12, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C1_12', 'C1_13', 243, 'color: rgb(255, 20, 20)'],
          ['C0_12', 'C2_13', 26, 'color: rgb(255, 183, 183)'],
          ['C0_12', 'C0_13', 166, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C0_12', 'C1_13', 6, 'color: rgb(255, 20, 20)'],
          ['C2_13', 'C1_14', 69, 'color: rgb(255, 33, 33)'],
          ['C2_13', 'C0_14', 62, 'color: rgb(255, 245, 245)'],
          ['C2_13', 'C2_14', 219, 'color: rgb(255, 142, 142)'],
          ['C0_13', 'C1_14', 13, 'color: rgb(255, 33, 33)'],
          ['C0_13', 'C0_14', 185, 'color: rgb(255, 245, 245)'],
          ['C0_13', 'C2_14', 38, 'color: rgb(255, 142, 142)'],
          ['C1_13', 'C1_14', 201, 'color: rgb(255, 33, 33)'],
          ['C1_13', 'C0_14', 3, 'color: rgb(255, 245, 245)'],
          ['C1_13', 'C2_14', 134, 'color: rgb(255, 142, 142)'],
          ['C1_14', 'C1_15', 261, 'color: rgb(255, 75, 75)'],
          ['C1_14', 'C0_15', 12, 'color: rgb(255, 239, 239)'],
          ['C0_14', 'C1_15', 17, 'color: rgb(255, 75, 75)'],
          ['C0_14', 'C0_15', 196, 'color: rgb(255, 239, 239)'],
          ['C2_14', 'C1_15', 275, 'color: rgb(255, 75, 75)'],
          ['C2_14', 'C0_15', 104, 'color: rgb(255, 239, 239)'],
          ['C1_15', 'C0_16', 67, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)'],
          ['C1_15', 'C1_16', 464, 'color: rgb(255, 68, 68)'],
          ['C0_15', 'C0_16', 254, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)'],
          ['C0_15', 'C1_16', 26, 'color: rgb(255, 68, 68)'],
          ['C0_16', 'C1_17', 36, 'color: rgb(255, 59, 59)'],
          ['C0_16', 'C0_17', 251, 'color: rgb(255, 242, 242)'],
          ['C1_16', 'C1_17', 406, 'color: rgb(255, 59, 59)'],
          ['C1_16', 'C0_17', 61, 'color: rgb(255, 242, 242)'],
          ['C1_17', 'C1_18', 370, 'color: rgb(255, 64, 64)'],
          ['C1_17', 'C0_18', 48, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)'],
          ['C0_17', 'C1_18', 40, 'color: rgb(255, 64, 64)'],
          ['C0_17', 'C0_18', 245, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)'],
          ['C1_18', 'C1_19', 342, 'color: rgb(255, 73, 73)'],
          ['C1_18', 'C0_19', 41, 'color: rgb(255, 250, 250)'],
          ['C0_18', 'C1_19', 43, 'color: rgb(255, 73, 73)'],
          ['C0_18', 'C0_19', 224, 'color: rgb(255, 250, 250)'],
          ['C1_19', 'C0_20', 43, 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255)'],
          ['C1_19', 'C1_20', 323, 'color: rgb(255, 84, 84)'],
          ['C0_19', 'C0_20', 202, 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255)'],
          ['C0_19', 'C1_20', 41, 'color: rgb(255, 84, 84)'],
          ['C0_20', 'C1_21', 37, 'color: rgb(255, 97, 97)'],
          ['C0_20', 'C0_21', 188, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)'],
          ['C1_20', 'C1_21', 290, 'color: rgb(255, 97, 97)'],
          ['C1_20', 'C0_21', 55, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)']

        var colors = ['#a6cee3', '#b2df8a', '#fb9a99', '#fdbf6f',
          '#cab2d6', '#ffff99', '#1f78b4', '#33a02c'

        // Set chart options
        var options = {
          height: 400,
          sankey: {
            node: {
              colors: colors,
              width: 5,
              nodePadding: 1
            link: {
              colorMode: 'gradient',
              colors: colors

        // Instantiate and draw our chart, passing in some options.
        var chart = new google.visualization.Sankey(document.getElementById('sankey_multiple'));
        chart.draw(data, options);



Current output: enter image description here


  • I commented a few lines in your code to get the following result. (I also changed the colors of the first three data rows to red, green, and blue to make it clear the link colors are being read from the list. The other links should be colored as expected from the data rows):

    enter image description here

    I simply commented out part of your chart options that were overriding the styles defined in your rows:

    // Set chart options
    var options = {
      height: 400,
      sankey: {
        node: {
          colors: colors,
          width: 5,
          nodePadding: 1
        link: {
          // Uncommenting any of these lines overrides the link colors defined in the data above.
          // colorMode: 'gradient',
          // colors: colors

    Full modified code:

    <div id="sankey_multiple" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      google.charts.load("current", {
        packages: ["sankey"]
      function drawChart() {
        var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
        data.addColumn('string', 'From');
        data.addColumn('string', 'To');
        data.addColumn('number', 'Weight');
          type: 'string',
          role: 'style'
          ['C0_1', 'C0_2', 638, 'color: rgb(255, 0, 0)'], // Color changed to red.
          ['C0_1', 'C1_2', 164, 'color: rgb(0, 255, 0)'], // Color changed to green.
          ['C1_1', 'C0_2', 123, 'color: rgb(0, 0, 255)'], // Color changed to blue.
          ['C1_1', 'C1_2', 1313, 'color: rgb(255, 130, 130)'],
          ['C0_2', 'C0_3', 555, 'color: rgb(255, 212, 212)'],
          ['C0_2', 'C1_3', 105, 'color: rgb(255, 127, 127)'],
          ['C1_2', 'C0_3', 111, 'color: rgb(255, 212, 212)'],
          ['C1_2', 'C1_3', 1320, 'color: rgb(255, 127, 127)'],
          ['C0_3', 'C0_4', 495, 'color: rgb(255, 217, 217)'],
          ['C0_3', 'C1_4', 80, 'color: rgb(255, 119, 119)'],
          ['C1_3', 'C0_4', 157, 'color: rgb(255, 217, 217)'],
          ['C1_3', 'C1_4', 1223, 'color: rgb(255, 119, 119)'],
          ['C0_4', 'C0_5', 374, 'color: rgb(255, 219, 219)'],
          ['C0_4', 'C1_5', 32, 'color: rgb(255, 66, 66)'],
          ['C0_4', 'C2_5', 157, 'color: rgb(255, 186, 186)'],
          ['C1_4', 'C0_5', 91, 'color: rgb(255, 219, 219)'],
          ['C1_4', 'C1_5', 623, 'color: rgb(255, 66, 66)'],
          ['C1_4', 'C2_5', 545, 'color: rgb(255, 186, 186)'],
          ['C0_5', 'C0_6', 299, 'color: rgb(255, 225, 225)'],
          ['C0_5', 'C1_6', 27, 'color: rgb(255, 63, 63)'],
          ['C0_5', 'C2_6', 59, 'color: rgb(255, 170, 170)'],
          ['C1_5', 'C0_6', 13, 'color: rgb(255, 225, 225)'],
          ['C1_5', 'C1_6', 425, 'color: rgb(255, 63, 63)'],
          ['C1_5', 'C2_6', 197, 'color: rgb(255, 170, 170)'],
          ['C2_5', 'C0_6', 136, 'color: rgb(255, 225, 225)'],
          ['C2_5', 'C1_6', 135, 'color: rgb(255, 63, 63)'],
          ['C2_5', 'C2_6', 409, 'color: rgb(255, 170, 170)'],
          ['C0_6', 'C0_7', 273, 'color: rgb(255, 219, 219)'],
          ['C0_6', 'C1_7', 29, 'color: rgb(255, 62, 62)'],
          ['C0_6', 'C2_7', 62, 'color: rgb(255, 199, 199)'],
          ['C1_6', 'C0_7', 12, 'color: rgb(255, 219, 219)'],
          ['C1_6', 'C1_7', 440, 'color: rgb(255, 62, 62)'],
          ['C1_6', 'C2_7', 116, 'color: rgb(255, 199, 199)'],
          ['C2_6', 'C0_7', 49, 'color: rgb(255, 219, 219)'],
          ['C2_6', 'C1_7', 211, 'color: rgb(255, 62, 62)'],
          ['C2_6', 'C2_7', 382, 'color: rgb(255, 199, 199)'],
          ['C0_7', 'C0_8', 239, 'color: rgb(255, 208, 208)'],
          ['C0_7', 'C1_8', 9, 'color: rgb(255, 40, 40)'],
          ['C0_7', 'C2_8', 31, 'color: rgb(255, 192, 192)'],
          ['C1_7', 'C0_8', 39, 'color: rgb(255, 208, 208)'],
          ['C1_7', 'C1_8', 403, 'color: rgb(255, 40, 40)'],
          ['C1_7', 'C2_8', 210, 'color: rgb(255, 192, 192)'],
          ['C2_7', 'C0_8', 77, 'color: rgb(255, 208, 208)'],
          ['C2_7', 'C1_8', 106, 'color: rgb(255, 40, 40)'],
          ['C2_7', 'C2_8', 344, 'color: rgb(255, 192, 192)'],
          ['C0_8', 'C0_9', 222, 'color: rgb(255, 227, 227)'],
          ['C0_8', 'C1_9', 24, 'color: rgb(255, 49, 49)'],
          ['C0_8', 'C2_9', 47, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C1_8', 'C0_9', 6, 'color: rgb(255, 227, 227)'],
          ['C1_8', 'C1_9', 367, 'color: rgb(255, 49, 49)'],
          ['C1_8', 'C2_9', 110, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C2_8', 'C0_9', 49, 'color: rgb(255, 227, 227)'],
          ['C2_8', 'C1_9', 147, 'color: rgb(255, 49, 49)'],
          ['C2_8', 'C2_9', 369, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C0_9', 'C2_10', 24, 'color: rgb(255, 188, 188)'],
          ['C0_9', 'C1_10', 9, 'color: rgb(255, 26, 26)'],
          ['C0_9', 'C0_10', 192, 'color: rgb(255, 204, 204)'],
          ['C1_9', 'C2_10', 156, 'color: rgb(255, 188, 188)'],
          ['C1_9', 'C1_10', 332, 'color: rgb(255, 26, 26)'],
          ['C1_9', 'C0_10', 40, 'color: rgb(255, 204, 204)'],
          ['C2_9', 'C2_10', 340, 'color: rgb(255, 188, 188)'],
          ['C2_9', 'C1_10', 90, 'color: rgb(255, 26, 26)'],
          ['C2_9', 'C0_10', 67, 'color: rgb(255, 204, 204)'],
          ['C2_10', 'C2_11', 297, 'color: rgb(255, 198, 198)'],
          ['C2_10', 'C1_11', 137, 'color: rgb(255, 19, 19)'],
          ['C2_10', 'C0_11', 62, 'color: rgb(255, 237, 237)'],
          ['C1_10', 'C2_11', 75, 'color: rgb(255, 198, 198)'],
          ['C1_10', 'C1_11', 319, 'color: rgb(255, 19, 19)'],
          ['C1_10', 'C0_11', 13, 'color: rgb(255, 237, 237)'],
          ['C0_10', 'C2_11', 27, 'color: rgb(255, 198, 198)'],
          ['C0_10', 'C1_11', 23, 'color: rgb(255, 19, 19)'],
          ['C0_10', 'C0_11', 210, 'color: rgb(255, 237, 237)'],
          ['C2_11', 'C2_12', 247, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C2_11', 'C1_12', 95, 'color: rgb(255, 0, 0)'],
          ['C2_11', 'C0_12', 43, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C1_11', 'C2_12', 182, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C1_11', 'C1_12', 267, 'color: rgb(255, 0, 0)'],
          ['C1_11', 'C0_12', 12, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C0_11', 'C2_12', 60, 'color: rgb(255, 191, 191)'],
          ['C0_11', 'C1_12', 9, 'color: rgb(255, 0, 0)'],
          ['C0_11', 'C0_12', 180, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C2_12', 'C2_13', 261, 'color: rgb(255, 183, 183)'],
          ['C2_12', 'C0_13', 98, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C2_12', 'C1_13', 107, 'color: rgb(255, 20, 20)'],
          ['C1_12', 'C2_13', 86, 'color: rgb(255, 183, 183)'],
          ['C1_12', 'C0_13', 12, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C1_12', 'C1_13', 243, 'color: rgb(255, 20, 20)'],
          ['C0_12', 'C2_13', 26, 'color: rgb(255, 183, 183)'],
          ['C0_12', 'C0_13', 166, 'color: rgb(255, 226, 226)'],
          ['C0_12', 'C1_13', 6, 'color: rgb(255, 20, 20)'],
          ['C2_13', 'C1_14', 69, 'color: rgb(255, 33, 33)'],
          ['C2_13', 'C0_14', 62, 'color: rgb(255, 245, 245)'],
          ['C2_13', 'C2_14', 219, 'color: rgb(255, 142, 142)'],
          ['C0_13', 'C1_14', 13, 'color: rgb(255, 33, 33)'],
          ['C0_13', 'C0_14', 185, 'color: rgb(255, 245, 245)'],
          ['C0_13', 'C2_14', 38, 'color: rgb(255, 142, 142)'],
          ['C1_13', 'C1_14', 201, 'color: rgb(255, 33, 33)'],
          ['C1_13', 'C0_14', 3, 'color: rgb(255, 245, 245)'],
          ['C1_13', 'C2_14', 134, 'color: rgb(255, 142, 142)'],
          ['C1_14', 'C1_15', 261, 'color: rgb(255, 75, 75)'],
          ['C1_14', 'C0_15', 12, 'color: rgb(255, 239, 239)'],
          ['C0_14', 'C1_15', 17, 'color: rgb(255, 75, 75)'],
          ['C0_14', 'C0_15', 196, 'color: rgb(255, 239, 239)'],
          ['C2_14', 'C1_15', 275, 'color: rgb(255, 75, 75)'],
          ['C2_14', 'C0_15', 104, 'color: rgb(255, 239, 239)'],
          ['C1_15', 'C0_16', 67, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)'],
          ['C1_15', 'C1_16', 464, 'color: rgb(255, 68, 68)'],
          ['C0_15', 'C0_16', 254, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)'],
          ['C0_15', 'C1_16', 26, 'color: rgb(255, 68, 68)'],
          ['C0_16', 'C1_17', 36, 'color: rgb(255, 59, 59)'],
          ['C0_16', 'C0_17', 251, 'color: rgb(255, 242, 242)'],
          ['C1_16', 'C1_17', 406, 'color: rgb(255, 59, 59)'],
          ['C1_16', 'C0_17', 61, 'color: rgb(255, 242, 242)'],
          ['C1_17', 'C1_18', 370, 'color: rgb(255, 64, 64)'],
          ['C1_17', 'C0_18', 48, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)'],
          ['C0_17', 'C1_18', 40, 'color: rgb(255, 64, 64)'],
          ['C0_17', 'C0_18', 245, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)'],
          ['C1_18', 'C1_19', 342, 'color: rgb(255, 73, 73)'],
          ['C1_18', 'C0_19', 41, 'color: rgb(255, 250, 250)'],
          ['C0_18', 'C1_19', 43, 'color: rgb(255, 73, 73)'],
          ['C0_18', 'C0_19', 224, 'color: rgb(255, 250, 250)'],
          ['C1_19', 'C0_20', 43, 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255)'],
          ['C1_19', 'C1_20', 323, 'color: rgb(255, 84, 84)'],
          ['C0_19', 'C0_20', 202, 'color: rgb(255, 255, 255)'],
          ['C0_19', 'C1_20', 41, 'color: rgb(255, 84, 84)'],
          ['C0_20', 'C1_21', 37, 'color: rgb(255, 97, 97)'],
          ['C0_20', 'C0_21', 188, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)'],
          ['C1_20', 'C1_21', 290, 'color: rgb(255, 97, 97)'],
          ['C1_20', 'C0_21', 55, 'color: rgb(255, 241, 241)']
        var colors = ['#a6cee3', '#b2df8a', '#fb9a99', '#fdbf6f',
          '#cab2d6', '#ffff99', '#1f78b4', '#33a02c'
        // Set chart options
        var options = {
          height: 400,
          sankey: {
            node: {
              colors: colors,
              width: 5,
              nodePadding: 1
            link: {
              // Uncommenting these lines overrides the link colors defined in the data above.
              // colorMode: 'gradient',
              // colors: colors
        // Instantiate and draw our chart, passing in some options.
        var chart = new google.visualization.Sankey(document.getElementById('sankey_multiple'));
        chart.draw(data, options);