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Decoding dig output: +norecurse @nameserver MX to domain

From the output I can understand there was no errors, yet there aren't any answers section to the query. Just to be sure the right question was even asked: "Dig +norecurse MX" parsing this to: "without recursion, query dtu mail exchange servers through the nameserver"

Is the query not supposed to return nameservers of dtu MX?

Dig output


  • No, it isn't supposed to, because you are asking the authoritative name server of the TLD ( for the answer. It does not have this answer, but gives you the details of the name servers that do: that is why you receive the authority section (and additional section).

    However, even if you do query the authoritative name servers (for example: there is no MX record for the domain name, but rather for Which means your query should be: dig MX

    For note, the addition of +norecurse shouldn't make a difference when you're querying an authoritative name server directly.