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Function to Explode paragraph into org-bullets by sentences

I am trying to write a simple Elisp Emacs function that takes a paragraph (point indicated by [X]) and expands it into a series of bullet points with each bullet containing a sentence.

much more useful, especially with huge windows. In my experience, it slows down redraw a little bit, but it’s worth it.There are two ways to enable it: the first is with M-x visual-line-mode[X] (for those with real menus, apparently Options->Line Wrapping in this Buffer->Word Wrap), which will give you a minor mode “wrap” in the mode line.

and returns

+ much more useful, especially with huge windows. 
+ In my experience, it slows down redraw a little bit, but it’s worth it.
+ There are two ways to enable it: the first is with M-x visual-line-mode[X] (for those with real menus, apparently Options->Line Wrapping in this Buffer->Word Wrap), which will give you a minor mode “wrap” in the mode line.

Here is what I have so far:

(defun jds/explode ()
  "explode paragraph, more documentation needed"
    (let ((bop (copy-marker (progn (backward-paragraph) (point))))
          (eop (copy-marker (progn (forward-paragraph) (point)))))
          (goto-char bop)
          (back-to-indentation) ;; goto first non-whitespace character
          (if (re-search-forward "^[:blank:]*[+-x] " nil t) nil (insert "+ "))
          (while (< (point) eop)
            (forward-whitespace 1)
            (unless (>= (point) eop)

But this just seems to run but not do anything. I think the problem may be that the backward-paragraph function may not be putting the point on the first non-black character (the m in much). But that said, my Elisp is very weak and I am struggling to figure out the problem.


  • Turns out this works - just needed to add +/-1 to point

    (defun jds/explode ()
      "explode paragraph, more documentation needed"
        (let ((bop (copy-marker (progn (backward-paragraph) (+ (point) 1))))
              (eop (copy-marker (progn (forward-paragraph) (- (point) 1)))))
              (goto-char bop)
              (if (looking-at-p "^[:blank:]*[+-x] ") nil (insert "+ "))
              (while (< (point) eop)
                (forward-whitespace 1)
                (unless (>= (point) eop)