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Help with Javascript SQL INSERT

I have the following code which inserts a "task" into a table with a value for the "task". I am trying to modify this statement to insert multiple values into multiple columns, but I cant seem to get it to work since I am unfamiliar with the format.

Can sombody show me how the can be modified to insert multiple values?

var item  = this.$.newItem.getValue();
this.$.db.query( 'INSERT INTO tasks ( task ) VALUES ( ? )', { values: [ item ] } ); 

Thanks alot.


  • Not knowing what this javascript is actually doing makes it hard to answer this question, but suffice it to say the syntax for inserting values into multiple fields in a sql query is as follows

    INSERT INTO tableName (col1, col2, coln) VALUES (val1, val2, valn)

    As a total educated guess, I would say you're looking for

    this.$.db.query( 'INSERT INTO tasks ( task, some_other_field ) VALUES ( ?,? )', { values: [ item, some_other_input ] } ); 

    for each "?" in your sql query, you will need another parameter in the values array.