I made a client-server application. The backend uses Node, Express and MongoDB Atlas.
I already installed CORS and used it as a middleware like:
const cors = require('cors')
Then I deployed it to heroku which returned an endpoint; like : https://express-server.herokuapp.com
I used that endpoint in my client which is based on React.
I use axios to make a request to the server such as:
const response = await axios.post('https://express-server.herokuapp.com/users/login' ,{some data here})
This is where the error occurs. Every time I make a request the following response pops up in the console.
What is the solution for this????
You have to define in your server from which origin requests should be accepted
Assuming your localhost runs on port 3000. Try this code
origin: "http://localhost:3000",
credentials: true,
NOTE: credentials true is set to pass HTTP only cookies