I have already (receive) an html page with leaflet map. I would like to display edges (links) informations when mouse over(or hover?). I can get the data from html-javascript via the following command `Roads.toGeoJSON().features
Roads.eachLayer(function (layer) {
'mouseout': function(){
layer.setStyle({fillColor: colorscale(mydata.speed)})
'mouseover': layer.bindPopup(layer.feature.properties.edge_id)
where Roads
equal to geo_json_118de89d5f914e07964f4fe5889a9bb6
which is defined as
var geo_json_118de89d5f914e07964f4fe5889a9bb6 = L.geoJson(null, {
smoothFactor: 1,
onEachFeature: geo_json_118de89d5f914e07964f4fe5889a9bb6_onEachFeature,
style: geo_json_118de89d5f914e07964f4fe5889a9bb6_styler,
For better understanding here is an example of the html file https://jsfiddle.net/5ptfuqk9/
The L.Tooltip
is very helpful for this case. By default it is only displaying on mouseover. Doku
geo_json_6e3c60c8b0b046c1a06eb56942730a3a.eachLayer(function (layer) {
layer.bindTooltip("Id "+layer.feature.properties.edge_id)