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Read json with glue crawler return UNKNOWN classification

I have a json file which of following format

{"result": [{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3"}]}

When I use the crawler the table created has classification UNKOWNN. I have done some research and if you make a custom classifier with JsonPath $[*] you should be able to get the whole array. Unfortunately this does not work, for me at least. I created a new crawler after creating the classifier as it would not work if the old crawler were updated with the classifier.

Has anyone run into this issue and can be of help?


  • I found a workaround..

    In my python script I select the "result" array. In other words I do not have the "result" key now. I can then use the classifier with following JsonPath $[*]. This workaround worked fine for me.

    Have a nice one!