I'm trying to create an app that will generate random operands questions by using a switch case.
MaxDigit = Difficulty.Level;
Random RandomNumber = new Random();
//Set the First and Second Number to Random Number
FNumber = RandomNumber.nextInt(MaxDigit);
SNumber = RandomNumber.nextInt(MaxDigit);
Random OperandsChoise = new Random();
int Operands = OperandsChoise.nextInt(4);
if ((FNumber / SNumber) >= 1) {
switch (Operands){
case 0 :
this.Answer = this.FNumber + this.SNumber;
this.QTyoe = FNumber + "+" + SNumber + "=";
case 1 :
this.Answer = this.FNumber - this.SNumber;
this.QTyoe = FNumber + "-" + SNumber + "=";
case 2 :
this.Answer = this.FNumber * this.SNumber;
this.QTyoe = FNumber + "*" + SNumber + "=";
case 3 :
this.Answer = (this.FNumber +2) / (this.SNumber +1);
this.QTyoe = FNumber + "/" + SNumber + "=";
The MaxDigit is getting integers from another activity called "Difficulty" to let users decide how hard the math question they want to challenge (Easy-9, Medium-99, Hard-999). But somehow the SNumber keeps getting 0 and cashing crash.
Is there any way to set SNumber within the range and make the Answer will not less than 1?
I see from your code that both FNumber
and SNumber
will always be positive. You can clamp the second number to never be smaller than 0, for example:
SNumber = RandomNumber.nextInt(MaxDigit - 1) + 1;
The snippet above will ensure that SNumber
will never be greater than MaxDigit
while always being greater than or equal to 1.