I'm using a Javascript regular expression to extract "filename" from Content-Disposition HTTP Header.
An example of Content-Disposition value is:
attachment; filename="myFile.pdf"
In some case the server does not enclose filename in quotes:
attachment; filename=myFile.pdf
Case 1 (OK):
var contentDisposition = "attachment; filename=myFile.pdf" // get Content-Disposition from HTTP Header
const fileNameMatch = contentDisposition.match(/filename="?(.+)"?/);
const fileName = fileNameMatch[1];
console.log(fileName); // Expected: myFile.pdf - Actual: myFile.pdf
Case 2 (KO):
var contentDisposition = "attachment; filename=\"myFile.pdf\"" // get Content-Disposition from HTTP Header
const fileNameMatch = contentDisposition.match(/filename="?(.+)"?/);
const fileName = fileNameMatch[1];
console.log(fileName); // Expected: myFile.pdf - Actual: myFile.pdf"
In the Case 2 the expected result is: myFile.pdf
while actual: myFile.pdf"
(last quote is not removed)
How can I fix the regular expression in order to get the Case 2 works?
Non-greedy +?
doesn't work before an optional, try an explicit class [^"]
re = /filename="?([^"]+)"?/
contentDisposition = `attachment; filename="myFile.pdf"`
contentDisposition = `attachment; filename=myFile.pdf`
Another (and perhaps better) option would be to anchor the whole thing:
re = /filename="?(.+?)"?$/
s = `attachment; filename="myFile.pdf"`
s = `attachment; filename=myFile.pdf`