In the Microsoft Graph REST API beta documentation in section Get chatMessageHostedContent there is the Java example for getting hosted content bytes for an image:
InputStream stream = graphClient
.messages("1615971548136") .hostedContents("aWQ9eF8wLXd1cy1kOS1lNTRmNjM1NWYxYmJkNGQ3ZTNmNGJhZmU4NTI5MTBmNix0eXBlPTEsdXJsPWh0dHBzOi8vdXMtYXBpLmFzbS5za3lwZS5jb20vdjEvb2JqZWN0cy8wLXd1cy1kOS1lNTRmNjM1NWYxYmJkNGQ3ZTNmNGJhZmU4NTI5MTBmNi92aWV3cy9pbWdv")
... but using the latest tag microsoftgraph/msgraph-beta-sdk-java
(0.9.0-20210615.3) this example doesn't work as content
method in ChatMessageHostedContentRequestBuilder
cannot be resolved.
With that in mind my question is what is official way of downloading hosted content bytes.
Related question with some more details is also present on GitHub.
It looks like this will be fixed in the future - but for the time being this workaround should do it:
String valueUrl = graphClient
InputStream stream = new CustomRequestBuilder<>(valueUrl, graphClient, null, InputStream.class).buildRequest().get();