Search code examples

Interate through multiple nested arrays in Javascript

I have the following response data: {name: "some Name", hobbies: Array(13), others: Array(17)}.

I want to display the received data as following:

Name -- represented as a simple paragraph. Hobbies - represented as an accordion of hobbies beneath the Name - Where the title of the each accordion is the first word within the respective hobby array entry and the body is the whole array entry. Others - represented again as a simple paragraph, which lists each of the values within the others array beneath the Hobbies.

I have tried the multiple approaches to access the elements but to no avail. So far I get results with the following but they are far from what I expect to have. Please assume that results contains the response that I have gotten using and sending the request to my API.

 <div className="searchResults">
                {Object.entries(results).map(([key, value]) =>
                    Object.entries(value).map(([index, value1]) =>
                <p key={index}>


  • If I understood correctly, the results contains the object, e.g. {name: "some Name", hobbies: Array(13), others: Array(17)}.

    If so, you wrongly iterate over the results.

    The solution is:

    {Object.keys(results).length && (
        <div className="results">
              <Accordion defaultActiveKey="0" style={{width: '80%'}}>
                   {Object.entries(results.hobbies).map(([key, value]) =>
                        <Card key={key}>
                             <Accordion.Toggle as={Card.Header} eventKey="1">
                             <Accordion.Collapse eventKey="1">
              {Object.entries(results.others).map(([key, value]) =>