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Take action when any of the button is clicked Shiny R

How to observe when any of the multiple buttons is clicked? For example, we have three buttons, I would like to show the notification when any of the buttons is clicked. Here is an example code


ui <- fluidPage(
  actionButton('button1', 'button1'),actionButton('button2', 'button2'),actionButton('button3', 'button3'))

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    req(input$button1, input$button2, input$button3)
    showNotification("This is a notification.")

shinyApp(ui, server)

The above code is not satisfactory because when initiate the page, only when three buttons are all clicked, notification shows.

Also, is it possible to know which button is cliecked?



  • Use observeEvent instead and put all your triggers in c()

    ui <- fluidPage(
        actionButton('button1', 'button1'),actionButton('button2', 'button2'),actionButton('button3', 'button3'))
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
        observeEvent(c(input$button1, input$button2, input$button3), ignoreInit = TRUE, {
            showNotification("This is a notification.")
    shinyApp(ui, server)