I am working on fixing some Sonar - Codesmells in my project at the moment. Sonar is pointing me at this method:
protected List<Long> rolesIdsFromPortalSpecificAuthorizations(final List<PortalSpecificAuthorization> portalSpecificAuthorizations) {
return portalSpecificAuthorizations.stream().map(portalSpecificAuthorization -> portalSpecificAuthorization.getId()).collect(Collectors.toList());
It says:
Replace this lambda with a method reference.
The PortalSpecificAuthorization
is an object from my own coding. I was not able to find an easy-to-use solution for this case with Method casts.
What is the correct usage in this case?
Sonar wants a Method Reference instead of the lambda.
Replace this part:
portalSpecificAuthorization -> portalSpecificAuthorization.getId()
with this
More about Method References: https://www.javatpoint.com/java-8-method-reference
Full Code:
protected List<Long> rolesIdsFromPortalSpecificAuthorizations(final List<PortalSpecificAuthorization> portalSpecificAuthorizations) {
return portalSpecificAuthorizations.stream()