I'm creating a GitHub action pipeline to deploy backend application to AKS. I try to follow this tutorial https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/aks-deployment-pipeline-github-actions. First, I follow along with the tutorial with my demo project, which works perfectly fine. After that, I apply to exist backend project then something goes wrong.
What I've done.
Other useful information
- name: Run Helm Deploy
run: |
helm upgrade \
--debug \
--install \
--create-namespace \
--atomic \
--wait \
--timeout 30m0s \
--namespace dev \
xxxx-release-dev \
./helm --set image.repository=${{ secrets.ACR_NAME }} --set mongo.url=${{ secrets.MONGO_URL_DEV }}
Thanks to https://www.facebook.com/groups/devopsthailand/ Admin to helps me find out the answer. Github action secrets.MONGO_URL_DEV contains the special character that is needed to put a double quote between. Those special characters weird behavior when executed. After putting a double quote in, it works!!.