I'm working with C# socket communication, and I receive different messages, separated by a special character (ASCII code 3
Currently this is not taken into account and my setup of the reception, who looks as follows:
This receives different messages, separated by the mentioned character, as one message.
Inside of the OnReceivedData(...)
I can run through the whole received bytearray, and look for that special character myself, but I would prefer having this handled by the socket handler itself.
Does anybody know how to declare the callback receive in order to take a separator into account, something like (pseudo-code):
SocketFlags.None, // maybe here?
Edit after some more investigation
The "complete" code concerning the reception of the data looks as follows:
private void SetupReceiveCallback(Socket sock)
{ try
{ sock.BeginReceive(_receivedData, 0, _receivedData.Length, SocketFlags.None, OnReceivedData, sock);}
catch (Exception ex)
{ }
private void OnReceivedData(IAsyncResult ar)
{ sock = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
// Check if we got any data
int nBytesRec = sock.EndReceive(ar);
This (sock.BeginReceive()
takes in a whole bunch of data at once, while I would like the data being taken up to a certain character (0x03
), which is the terminator of my message.
My own answer is wrong indeed, as it takes data, which are not even complete, causing a mess (as predicted by Dialectus).
As far as the proposal from Panagiatos: I'm very new at C# programming. How can I do this?
Thanks in advance
As mentioned in the many comments, immediately after having posted the question, a separator cannot be declared in the communication part of my application: I just have to get everything coming from the socket, and do the separation myself, which I did like this:
string [] infoList = infoString.Split('\u0003');
foreach (string infoEntry in infoList)
... // do the treatment of the messages, one by one