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Showing ConcourseCI build status on github pull requests

I currently have a fully functioning pipeline that's been deployed to a concourse server. It will receive push events from a github repo, and run the pipeline as such.

I have a webhook that's also able to talk from github to the concourseCI server.

It looks something like this:

I have it dropped into the settings of the Github repo as a webhook, and it's returning 2xx after each push to a pull request. How can I get the status of the build in ConcourseCI to show up on the pull request like this


  • GitHub build status is independent from the webhook: the webhook goes from GitHub to Concourse, while here we need the opposite direction: from Concourse to GitHub. Also, it cannot be synchronous, since the webhook triggers a build that takes time to complete.

    You need to signal the build status with a Concourse resource. The one I prefer (since I wrote it :-) is