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githubmarkdowngithub-flavored-markdownblockquote advanced markdown inside blockquote

I'm writing a for one of my repositories on
As part of this I'd like to include a quote of another (from another repository), which implies using advanced markdown inside the quote.

Eventually I'd like to see something like this:

  • Item 1
    • Use the following:
      • First level of quoted list
        • Second level of quoted list
        • Nested quote

  • Item 2

For now I'm trying to achieve this with the following markdown:

 * Item 1
    * Use the following   
        > * First level of quoted list
        >   *  Second level of quoted ***list***  
        >   * > Nested *quote*
 * Item 2

There are several online markdown editors out there that intend to simulate github markdown behavior: ones that work much better than github itself, others that are a bit more realistic, but in github it looks like this:

  • Item 1
    • Use the following
      > * First level of quoted list > * Second level of quoted list > * > Nested quote
  • Item 2

So it appears that github supports some simple markdown inside the block quote (like bold, italic etc.), but it won't support the advanced markdown (like lists, quotes etc.)

Is there any way to quote a complex markdown on github?


  • GitHub is picky about requiring blank lines (to create a new pagragraph) before starting a blockquote. This seems to do what you want:

    * Item 1
        * Use the following
            > * First level of quoted list
            >     * Second level of quoted ***list***
            >     * > Nested *quote*
    * Item 2