In the first case, the prototype chain is longer than in the second one.
function Func() {};
Func.__proto__ == Function.prototype; //true
Func.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype; //true
Func.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype; //false
Func.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype; //Cannot read property '__proto__' of null
In the second case, it's shorter.
let obj = {};
obj.__proto__ == Object.prototype; //true
obj.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype; //false
obj.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype; //Cannot read property '__proto__' of null
Why? The line of the second example obj .__ proto __.__ proto__ == Object.prototype
gives false. But in the first case, the similar line of code Func .__ proto __.__ proto__ == Object.prototype
gives true.
What's the difference? Why does the first example have longer prototype chain than the second one? What does it depend on?
Functions are also Objects in Javascript. Thinking of it as levels, they are one level below Object in the chain/tree.
So if any function is defined, its __proto__
will be Function.prototype
. Function.prototype's __proto__
will be Object.prototype
Note: When we do let obj ={}
, under the hood obj
is created as an instance of Object. Any instance of Object will have its __proto__
set to Object.prototype