I'm doing estimateGas. here's my code.
var sdate = new Date('2021-07-01 00:00:00');
var edate = new Date('2021-07-31 00:00:00');
var arrDate = [];
var arrCategory = [1,12,14];
var param1 = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter('uint32[]',arrDate);
var param2 = web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter('uint8[]',arrCategory);
let Contract = new web3.eth.Contract(myPack.abi, myPack.ca);
Contract.methods.createTicket(param1, param2).estimateGas({from: accounts[0]})
and I met error
Uncaught TypeError: t.map is not a function
at h.formatParam (index.js:218)
at index.js:100
at Array.map ()
at h.encodeParameters (index.js:94)
at index.js:439
at Array.map ()
at Object.d._encodeMethodABI (index.js:438)
at Object.d._processExecuteArguments (index.js:701)
at Object.d._executeMethod (index.js:720)
at estimateGas (issuecfm:257)
I tried something before encodeParameter
var BN = web3.utils.BN;
arrDate = arrDate.map(item => {return new BN(item)});
arrCategory = arrCategory.map(item => {return new BN(item)});
and String
arrDate = arrDate.map(item => {return item.toString()});
arrCategory = arrCategory.map(item => {return item.toString()});
After a lot of searching, I tried what I could. but I still get the same error. I would really appreciate it if you could teach me how to modify my code.
Using the web3 contract helper function, you need to pass the "raw" JS params, not the ABI-encoded data.
let contract = new web3.eth.Contract(myPack.abi, myPack.ca);
// mind the `arrDate` and `arrCategory` instead of `param1` and `param2`
contract.methods.createTicket(arrDate, arrCategory)
.estimateGas({from: accounts[0]})