I would like to allow a user to choose their Icon from AntD Icons to display on my component.
Here are the docs for AntD Icons
I import the icons (to have access to all of them) via import * as Icons from "@ant-design/icons";
For example if someone passes in a prop of icon="DownOutlined"
I want to display the Icon from AntD. In order to display that icon I could hardcode <Icons.DownOutlined />
, but how I do I change what comes after the .
based on the props?
I have tried:
import * as Icons from "@ant-design/icons";
const Comp = (props) => {
const {
icon: "DownloadOutlined"
label: "Hello World"
} = props;
return <p>{label}<Icons.`${icon}` /></p>
and I have also tried <Icons[icon] />
neither of which work.
This works:
import * as Icons from "@ant-design/icons";
const Comp = (props) => {
const { icon: "DownloadOutlined", label: "Hello World" } = props;
const DownloadOutlinedIcon = Icons[icon];
return <p>{label}<DownloadOutlinedIcon/></p>