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ArangoDB array query for an array

I am trying to write an update command in arangodb to insert an single "key":"value" attribute in document having nested array.

  "OuterBlock": {
    "InnerBlock": {
      "key1": "value1",
      "key2": {
        "key21": "value21"
      "key3": {
        "key31": "value31"
      "key4": [
          "key41": "value1",
          "key42": {
            "key421": "value421"
          "key43": [
              "key431": "value431",
              "key432": {
                "key4321": "value4321"
          "key44": "value44",
          "key45": {
            "key451": "key451"

I need to add one more key:value pair under key432 (example: "key4322":"value4322"). I tried with select query first and tried to add this attribute using MERGE command.

FOR t IN test 
FILTER t._key=="Test"
Collect a = t.OuterBlock.InnerBlock.key4[0].key43[0].key432 into aitems
LET newa = (MERGE(a , {"key4322": "value4322"}))

It returned result as below

    "key4321": "value4321",
    "key4322": "value4322"

so i tried merging this result with first block "key43" using below query

FOR t IN test
FILTER t._key=="Test"
collect a = t.OuterBlock.InnerBlock.key4[0].key43[0]  into aitems
LET newa = (MERGE(a , {key432: 
FOR t IN test 
FILTER t._key=="Test"
Collect b = t.OuterBlock.InnerBlock.key4[0].key43[0].key432 into bitems
LET newb = (MERGE(b , {"key4322": "value4322"}))
Return newb

And the output is giving me an additional array block [] in key432 which is not there in the original data. hence it is changing the format of the document. How can i remove this array block. Please suggest.

    "key431": "value431",
    "key432": **[**
        "key4321": "value4321",
        "key4322": "value4322"


  • You need to replace array elements and merge objects step by step because variables in AQL are immutable. It would be easier to extend the nested object on the client-side and then replace the whole document on the server-side. It is possible in AQL, nonetheless:

    FOR t IN test
      FILTER t._key == "test"
      LET key432 = MERGE(
        { key4322: "value4322" }
      LET key43 = REPLACE_NTH(
        t.OuterBlock.InnerBlock.key4[0].key43, 0,
        MERGE(t.OuterBlock.InnerBlock.key4[0].key43[0], { key432 })
      LET key4 = REPLACE_NTH(t.OuterBlock.InnerBlock.key4, 0,
        MERGE(t.OuterBlock.InnerBlock.key4[0], { key43 })
      RETURN MERGE_RECURSIVE(t, { OuterBlock: { InnerBlock: { key4 } } })


        "OuterBlock": {
          "InnerBlock": {
            "key1": "value1",
            "key2": {
              "key21": "value21"
            "key3": {
              "key31": "value31"
            "key4": [
                "key41": "value1",
                "key42": {
                  "key421": "value421"
                "key43": [
                    "key431": "value431",
                    "key432": {
                      "key4321": "value4321",
                      "key4322": "value4322"
                "key44": "value44",
                "key45": {
                  "key451": "key451"

    Regarding the extra array, keep in mind that subqueries always return an array just like the top-level query does.

    LET newa = (MERGE(a , {key432: 
    FOR t IN test ... // subquery

    To take just the first element returned by the subquery, you can do FIRST( FOR ... ) or ( FOR ... )[0].