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Difference between distance() and geo_distance() in arangodb

What is the difference between the arango function - DISTANCE() and GE0_DISTANCE(). I know both of them calculates distance using haversines formula.

Thanks, Nilotpal


  • Both are used for two different purposes

    DISTANCE(latitude1, longitude1, latitude2, longitude2) → distance

    The value is computed using the haversine formula, which is based on a spherical Earth model. It’s fast to compute and is accurate to around 0.3%, which is sufficient for most use cases such as location-aware services.

    GEO_DISTANCE(geoJsonA, geoJsonB, ellipsoid) → distance

    Return the distance between two GeoJSON objects, measured from the centroid of each shape. For a list of supported types see

    There are also utility functions to make the construction of GeoJSON objects a bit more convenient (GEO_LINESTRING, GEO_MULTILINESTRING, GEO_MULTIPOINT, GEO_POINT, GEO_POLYGON and GEO_MULTIPOLYGON, see