I have a header file and 3 cpp files. I want to share an array object between my files to store data in it and use it (global variable).
My header file code : info.h
#ifndef INFO_H
#define INFO_H
#include "QString"
class ib
QString from,to,seat[32],driver;
}extern o[10];
#endif // INFO_H
and my cpp files code : bilit.cpp
#include "info.h"
void bilit::on_pushButton_clicked()
const int f = ui->bnspin->value();
const int s = ui->stspin->value();
o[f].seat[s] = ui->pnbtn->text();
#include "info.h"
void make::on_pushButton_clicked()
const int f = ui->spinBox->value();
o[f].driver = ui->drvbtn->text();
o[f].to = ui->tobtn->text();
o[f].from = ui->frombtn->text();
#include "info.h"
void check::on_pushButton_clicked()
const int f = ui->spinBox->value();
const int s = ui->spinBox_2->value();
and this is my error : error
even i write extern in my cpp files but i get error again : error2
any idea how to fix it ? or other way to share a global variable between my files ?
Declaring an object as extern can be done many times. All it means is "this object's linkage data is somewhere else".
Your code doesn't contain the "somewhere else" definition.
extern int i; // i is defined somewhere else
int i = 0; // this is the definition
extern int i; // will use the same i in file.cpp
// alternatively, to avoid duplicating the extern declaration,
// you can just include file.h
To summarize, in one of your cpp files, you need to add:
ib o[10];