I'm currently looking into using C++ (C++17) variadic templates for generating efficient, real-time simulations of circuits.
My goal is to leverage variadic templates to define a tree that can be traversed at compile-time. To define such a tree, I use the following three structs:
template <auto Tag> struct Leaf
static constexpr auto tag = Tag;
template <typename ... Children> struct Branch
static constexpr auto child_count = sizeof ... (Children);
template <typename Lambda> constexpr void for_each_child(Lambda && lambda)
// TODO: Execute 'lambda' on each child.
std::tuple<Children ...> m_children {};
template <typename Root> struct Tree
template <auto Tag> constexpr auto & get_leaf()
// TODO: Traverse the tree and find the leaf with tag 'Tag'.
// If there's no leaf with tag 'Tag' the program shouldn't compile.
Root root {};
Using the above definition of a tree, we can define a set of circuit components as follows:
template <auto Tag> struct Resistor : Leaf<Tag>
float resistance() { return m_resistance; }
float m_resistance {};
template <auto Tag> struct Capacitor : Leaf<Tag>
float resistance() { return 0.0f; }
float m_capacitance {};
template <typename ... Children> struct Series : Branch<Children ...>
using Branch<Children ...>::for_each_child;
float resistance()
float acc = 0.0f;
for_each_child([&acc](auto child) { acc += child.resistance(); });
return acc;
template <typename ... Children> struct Parallel : Branch<Children ...>
using Branch<Children ...>::for_each_child;
float resistance()
float acc = 0.0f;
for_each_child([&acc](auto child) { acc += 1.0f / child.resistance(); });
return 1.0f / acc;
Next, using the above components, we can express a specific circuit like this:
enum { R0, R1, C0, C1 };
using Circuit =
>, // Series
> // Series
> // Parallel
>; // Tree
...where R0, R1, C0, and C1 are tags that we use for accessing components at compile time. E.g. a very basic use case could be the following:
int main()
Circuit circuit {};
circuit.get_leaf<R0>().m_resistance = 5.0E+3f;
circuit.get_leaf<C0>().m_capacitance = 10.0E-3f;
circuit.get_leaf<R1>().m_resistance = 5.0E+6f;
circuit.get_leaf<C1>().m_capacitance = 10.0E-6f;
std::cout << circuit.root.resistance() << std::endl;
What I just can't wrap my head around is how to implement the functions for_each_child and get_leaf. I've tried different approaches using if-constexpr statements and template-structs without finding a good solution. Variadic templates are interesting but daunting at the same time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
After studying various articles on C++ Variadic Templates, I've managed to patch up a solution to the problem.
First, to implement for_each_child
we use the following helper function that works as a for-loop that is un-rolled at compile-time:
template <auto from, auto to, typename Lambda>
static inline constexpr void for_constexpr(Lambda && lambda)
if constexpr (from < to)
constexpr auto i = std::integral_constant<decltype(from), from>();
for_constexpr<from + 1, to>(lambda);
By using this helper function we can implement for_each_child as follows:
template <typename ... Children> struct Branch
static constexpr auto children_count = sizeof ... (Children);
template <typename Lambda> constexpr void for_each_child(Lambda && lambda)
for_constexpr<0, children_count>([lambda, this](auto i)
std::tuple<Children ...> m_children {};
Next, to implement get_leaf, we use a bunch of different helper functions. As Caleth suggested, we can divide the problem into two steps. First, we compute the path from the root to the desired leaf; afterwards, we can follow that path to extract the leaf from the tree.
A path can be represented as an index sequence as follows:
template <auto ...indices> using Path = std::index_sequence<indices...>;
The first helper function we need checks whether a node has a leaf with a given tag:
template <auto tag, class Node> struct has_path
static constexpr
match(const Leaf<tag>);
template <class ...Children> static constexpr
typename std::enable_if<
(has_path<tag, Children>::type::value || ...),
match(const Branch<Children...>);
static constexpr
using type = decltype(match(std::declval<Node>()));
We simply pattern match on the node. If it is a leaf we must make sure that it has the correct tag. And, if it is a branch, we need to ensure that one of the children has a leaf with the tag.
The next helper function is a bit more complicated:
template <auto tag, class Node, auto ...indices> struct find_path
template <auto index, class Child, class ...Children> struct search_children
static constexpr auto fold()
if constexpr(has_path<tag, Child>::type::value)
return typename find_path<tag, Child, indices..., index>::type();
return typename search_children<index + 1, Children...>::type();
using type = decltype(fold());
static constexpr
match(const Leaf<tag>);
template <class ...Children> static constexpr
typename search_children<0, Children...>::type
match(const Branch<Children...>);
using type = decltype(match(std::declval<Node>()));
We accumulate the path in the indices
template parameter. If the node that we are investigating (via the template parameter Node
) is a leaf, we check that it has the correct tag and, if so, return the accumulated path. If instead, the node is a branch we have to use the helper function search_children
which iterates through all the children in the branch. For each child, we first check whether that child has a leaf with the given tag. If so, we append the current index (given by the template parameter index
) to the accumulated path and call find_path
recursively on that child. If the child does not have a leaf with the given tag, we try the next child instead, and so on.
Finally, we define a helper function that can extract a leaf given a path:
template <class Node>
static inline constexpr auto &
get(Node & leaf, Path<> path)
return leaf;
template <auto index, auto ...indices, class Node>
static inline constexpr auto &
get(Node & branch, Path<index, indices...> path)
auto & child = std::get<index>(branch.m_children);
return get(child, Path<indices...>());
Using find_path
and get
we can implement get_leaf
as follows:
template <typename Root> struct Tree
template <auto tag> constexpr auto & get_leaf()
constexpr auto path = typename implementation::find_path<tag, Root>::type {};
return implementation::get(root, path);
Root root;
Here's a link to godbolt.org that demonstrates that the code compiles and works as expected with Clang: