I'm trying to test this function in jest, But I cannot override, resize the screen or create a virtual dom.
I'm running this testing on node. ps: I tried to use jsdom but I failed.
export const getScreenWidth = () => {
const screenWidth = window.screen.width;
if (screenWidth <= 425) return "mobile";
if (screenWidth <= 768) return "tablet";
if (screenWidth <= 1024) return "laptopSm";
if (screenWidth <= 1440) return "laptopLg";
if (screenWidth <= 2560) return "HD";
return screenWidth;
I tried to make this mock and it worked but I don't really know if this is the right way to do so.
const mockScreen = (size) => {
global.window = {};
global.window.screen = {};
global.window.screen.width = size;
so the final test will be
describe("getScreenWidth()", () => {
it.only("returns a string representing the width of the screen", () => {
const mockScreen = (size) => {
global.window = {};
global.window.screen = {};
global.window.screen.width = size;