i would like to access the values assigned to the property opzioni
in this json
i get from my api
, but i have some issues doing it.
"isActive": "yes",
"_id": "60e04e583a5c9f0004ac1524",
"titolo": "Test123",
"sottotitolo": "bla bla bla bla",
"descrizione": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
"tipo": "pal",
"opzioni": [
"nome": "Name 1"
"nome": "Name 2"
"nome": "Name 3"
"__v": 0
I see the root object is an array. You can access specific attributes within an array using the map function, for example:
const data = [ { "isActive": "yes", "_id": "60e04e583a5c9f0004ac1524", "titolo": "Test123", "sottotitolo": "bla bla bla bla", "descrizione": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "tipo": "pal", "opzioni": [ { "nome": "Name 1" }, { "nome": "Name 2" }, { "nome": "Name 3" } ], "__v": 0 } ]
const opzioniArray = data.map(i => i.opzioni);
This will remap the array to be a list of all opzioni