I have been getting more and more into k8s and I am trying some stuff on a personal VPS I have. I have created a Deployment of a POD that uses another Service internally. I would love to validate that these two services are being somewhat loadbalanced.
Here was my attempt to create this: I have a simple service which I called metric-test which only has one endpoint that counts how many times it was called, logs it and returns this information. For this I used the microframework jooby since I had familiarity with it and could get a fast start.
The code of this simple app can be found on github
Also on the repository I have added the deployment.yaml file with which I use to push it to my local version of minikube (which simulates my k8s env).
Steps taken:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker build . -t metric-test1
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
(the file is also on the github linkThis gives me a Service of type ClusterIP (which is what I want since it should not be accessible from outside) and 2 PODS containing the jooby code. Here is the deployment.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: metric-test
run: metric-test
- port: 3000
protocol: TCP
run: metric-test
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: metric-test
progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
replicas: 2
revisionHistoryLimit: 3
run: metric-test
maxSurge: 1
maxUnavailable: 0
type: RollingUpdate
run: metric-test
- image: metric-test1
imagePullPolicy: Never
name: data-api
- containerPort: 3000
protocol: TCP
name: 3000tcp
restartPolicy: Always
schedulerName: default-scheduler
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
Alright everything working! I just set up a port-forwarding so I can access the service:
kubectl port-forward service/metric-test 3000:3000
And use this script to fire a lot of requests at the service:
while true # loop forever, until ctrl+c pressed.
for i in $(seq 100) # perfrom the inner command 100 times.
curl $target > /dev/null & # send out a curl request, the & indicates not to wait for the response.
wait # after 100 requests are sent out, wait for their processes to finish before the next iteration.
I am now seeing ALL of the requests being handled by only one of the pods while the other is just sitting there idle.
I went through the documentation (here) but to be honest I came out actually with more questions than answers. That is why I tried to create a simplified scenario to test these things out.
Note: As far as I understood using LoadBalancer
and Ingress
you can actually achieve load-balancing, however, it also exposes to the outside.
More info on the deployment:
Result of kubectl get po
metric-test-f89bfbf86-ccrj8 1/1 Running 0 16h
metric-test-f89bfbf86-kl7qg 1/1 Running 0 16h
Here is a picture of the logs of both after running the curl script for a bit:
As m303945 said, the load balancing doesn't work out when we are using the port-forwarding.
In order to validate this, and any future tests I might want to do I did the following:
I've ran the following command in my terminal:
kubectl run -it --rm --restart=Never --image=alpine handytools -n ${1:-default} -- /bin/ash
which creates an alpine-based container and gives me shell access. At that point however, I cannot use curl since it is not installed. So for that I ran:
apk update
apk add curl
once I had that I've modified my previous bash script from above to run on this pod and try to hit the service I set up:
for i in $(seq 5) # loop 5 times to generate 500 calls.
for i in $(seq 100) # perfrom the inner command 100 times.
curl $target > /dev/null & # send out a curl request, the & indicates not to wait for the response.
wait # after 100 requests are sent out, wait for their processes to finish before the next iteration.
The modifications included pointing to the service instead of the "localhost" and no port is needed. Also the alpine uses the ash
and not the bash
shell. I also ran 500 requests instead of infinity.
As you can see, running the above (which you can create using vi
in alpine) I get a nice even load distribution!!!
Thanks again for user m303945 for pointing me in the right direction
If I remember correctly, TCP load balancing was not working when using port forwarding. Try to run the script from a container inside k8s instead of doing port forwarding.