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Reinforced.Typings fails with MSB6006 when net5.0-windows specified

I use Reinforced.Typings and target my project as net5.0-windows. Build fails with the below error because such a moniker is not targeted: the tools folder contains net5.0 among others, but not net5.0-windows.

C:\Users\username\.nuget\packages\reinforced.typings\1.6.1\build\Reinforced.Typings.targets(61,3): error MSB6006: "" exited with code 1. 

C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe "C:\Users\username\.nuget\packages\reinforced.typings\1.6.1\tools\net5.0-windows\rtcli.dll" profile "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp813E.tmp" 
Could not execute because the specified command or file was not found.        

Would it be possible to target this framework too @pavel-b-novikov?

Any other ideas on how to force MSBuild to Reinforced.Typings to "redirect" from net5.0-windows to net5.0?

Or maybe that's something that can be configured on the MSBuild level?

Obviously, the obvious solution would be if I change my target to net5.0, but it's not possible due to other dependencies at the moment, unfortunately.


  • The solution is to specify RtForceTargetFramework as per documentation:
