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JOLT - Conditional dynamic default values

I need a transformation that shifts data from one array to another directly. My main problem is that the input dependant array might be empty sometimes. For those cases, there is a master array which defines the length of the result array.

To sum things up, I need to:

  • Shift the data from dependant to result.
  • Specify default values depending on the master array length if no data was shifted.

A couple of examples:

CASE 1 (Shifts data normally)


  "master": [
      "a": "a1",
      "b": "b1"
      "a": "a2",
      "b": "b2"
  "dependant": [
      "data": "AA"
      "data": "BB"

Desired output:

  "result": [ "AA", "BB" ]


dependant array is empty and we need to create the result array with the same length as master. Each element can be any string such as DEFAULT.


  "master": [
      "a": "a1",
      "b": "b1"
      "a": "a2",
      "b": "b2"
  "dependant": []


  "result": [ "DEFAULT", "DEFAULT" ]


  • You can consecutively apply modify-overwrite-beta and shift transformations such as

        "operation": "modify-overwrite-beta",
        "spec": {
          "szdependant": "=size(@(1,dependant))"
        "operation": "shift",
        "spec": {
          "szdependant": {
            "0": {
              "@(2,master)": { "*": { "#DEFAULT": "result" } }
            "*": {
              "@(2,dependant)": { "*": { "*": "result" } }

    in order to use the size value(szdependant) of the dependant list as a conditional statement within the shift transformation step