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How can I check if a number input is not empty?

I have this input field in a form which I validate using spring boot validator:

<input class="form-control" th:field="*{numericField}"
    type="number" min="0" id="numeric_field_input">

The valid range is all positive numbers. But even if I do not fill in any number, the field validates. I believe the default value is zero. Adding something like


did not solve the problem. How can I check on serverside that a user input any value?

These are my current annotations of the field:

   @Positive(message = "{validation.numericField.positive}")
   private Integer numericField;


  • You can use these 2 validations

    @NotNull("message": "numericField: positive number value is required")
    @Min(value=0, message="numericField: positive number, min 0 is required")