After stepping around controller authorization in the debugger for the past 4 weeks, I finally decided to tackle OpenID Connect authentication in my Swashbuckle-supported .NetCore 5 API. I wish I hadn't, because I spent almost a day so far without a working solution.
Here is a brief recap.
.UseSwaggerUI(c => c.OAuthUsePkce());
Also, the ClientSecret there does not make sense, because PKCE is supposed to replace this (and I actually don't have a client secret). My question, does anybody have OpenID Connect with PKCE and Okta working in Swagger UI?
Auth ErrorError, error: invalid_client, description: Browser requests to the token endpoint must use Proof Key for Code Exchange.
I've recently sitched from an implicit flow to code+pkce flow. I ran into the same issue. The key was to configure the token endopoint url. Swagger UI will still show you the client credentials input box, but you can leave this empty when authorizing.
var securityDefinition = new OpenApiSecurityScheme
Type = SecuritySchemeType.OAuth2,
Scheme = "Bearer",
In = ParameterLocation.Header,
Name = "Authorization",
Flows = new OpenApiOAuthFlows
AuthorizationCode = new OpenApiOAuthFlow
AuthorizationUrl = new Uri(azureAdOptions.AuthorizeEndpoint),
TokenUrl = new Uri(azureAdOptions.TokenEndpoint),
Scopes = azureAdOptions.Applications["Api"].Scopes.ToDictionary(e => e.Value, e => e.Key)
I obviously still have to enable pkce support on the SwaggerUiOptions
internal static void ConfigureUi(SwaggerUIOptions c, IConfiguration configuration, string apiName, string environmentName)
I use Azure AD, here are the values I've used:
Scopes: custom-value
The commit below contains all the details of how it's implemented. It also contains a test sample. Add support to PKCE for SwaggerUI & update OAuth2Integration sample