Search code examples

Stream distinct with nested list counts and matching nested list item counts

Complete (without modifying Group and Person) the Main class in the two points marked in bold.

public class Group {
public List<Person> people;
public Group(Person ... people)

public class Person {
public String name;
public String surname;
public int age;

public Person(String name, String surname, int age) {;

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args)
    Person p1=new Person("Mario","Bros",36);
    Person p2=new Person("Luigi","Bros",36);
    Person p3=new Person("Peach","Miss",36);
    Person p4=new Person("Toad","Mister",33);
    Person p5=new Person("Toadette","Miss",34);
    Person p6=new Person("Rosalinda","Miss",50);
    Group g1=new Group(p6,p4,p1);
    Group g2=new Group(p5,p3,p1,p4);
    Group g3=new Group(p1,p2,p3,p6,p5);
    List<Group> groups=List.of(g1,g3,g2,g1);

Starting from groups obtain the map "map1" with keys the distinct groups and values ​​the number of people.

The only instruction with the use of streams

Starting from groups obtain "map2" with keys the distinct groups and values ​​the number of people aged> 35.

The only instruction with the use of streams


  • Map<Group, Integer> groupSizes =
                                        .distinct() //pick only distinct groups
                                            k -> k, //the key of map is the group object
                                            v -> v.people.size() //the value is the size of people from group
    groupSizes.forEach((k,v) -> System.out.println(k + " - " + v));
    Map<Group, Integer> groupCountOver35 =
                                                .distinct() //pick only distinct groups
                                                    k -> k, //the key is the group
                                                    v -> //value is the count of people over 35
                                                                .filter(e -> e.age > 35) //pick only people over 35
                                                                .mapToInt(e -> 1)
                                                                .sum() //count them
    groupCountOver35.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.println(k + " - " + v));