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Get property programmatically and evaluate it with SPEL

I am trying to mimic the @Value annotation programmatically by retrieving a property from the properties file using Environment and then evaluate the expression using SpelExpressionParser.

Here is a code snippet:

public class Test {
    private String dynamicSPELStr = "#{${}.default}";

    private Environment environment;
    void testSPEL() {
        ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();"[PARSER] {}", parser

and the property is:{default: '5', key1: '10', key2: '20', key3: '40'}

However I am receiving the following error:

Expression [#{{default: '5', key1: '10', key2: '20', key3: '40'}.default}] @1: EL1043E: Unexpected token. Expected 'identifier' but was 'lcurly({)'

Running the same expression using @Value works just fine.


  • The value attribute of a @Value annotation is not a SpEL expression. It supports placeholders using ${...}, and it supports SpEL expressions using #{...}.

    It is only the text between #{ and } that is a SpEL expression. As such, remove the #{ and } from the dynamicSPELStr string:

    private String dynamicSPELStr = "${}.default";

    Explanation of error

    SpEL expressions use #variableName to access a variable (see SpEL documentation, section 4.3.10. Variables).

    Since the beginning of dynamicSPELStr is #{, the expression parser is complaining that the # variable prefix isn't followed by a valid name-character, hence the error "Expected 'identifier' but was 'lcurly({)'"