I have a requirement to create a Service Change in Azure DevOps (TFS WorkItems) using Rest API in PowerShell.
My current code is working fine for Task Creation. But I have to create a Service Change. I am not sure about the Resource Area IDs. Which URI should I use?
$relDefUrl = $DOConfig.tfsBaseUrl + $DOConfig.project + "/_apis/wit/workitems/`$task?api-version=5.1"
function Init-Devops
$orgUrl = "https://dev.azure.com/XXXXXX"
$project = "XXXX"
$Team = "XXXX"
$token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($Pat)"))
$header = @{authorization = "Basic $token"}
$WorkItemTrackingAreaId = "85f8c7b6-92fe-4ba6-8b6d-fbb67c809341"
$tfsBaseUrl = GetUrl -orgUrl $orgUrl -header $header -AreaId $WorkItemTrackingAreaId
return $DOConfig
function GetUrl() {
$orgResourceAreasUrl = [string]::Format("{0}/_apis/resourceAreas/{1}?api-preview=5.0-preview.1", $orgUrl, $AreaId)
$results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $orgResourceAreasUrl -Headers $header
if ("null" -eq $results) {
$areaUrl = $orgUrl
else {
$areaUrl = $results.locationUrl
return $areaUrl
function Add-DevopsTask
$relDefUrl = $DOConfig.tfsBaseUrl + $DOConfig.project + "/_apis/wit/workitems/`$task?api-version=5.1"
$RestParams = @{
Uri = $relDefUrl
ContentType = 'application/json-patch+json'
Headers = $DOConfig.header
Method = "POST"
Body = $Body
Invoke-RestMethod @RestParams -Verbose
$pat = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
$DOConfig=Init-Devops $pat
$xState = @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.State"
value = $vState
$xbody += $xState
$vAssignedto = '[email protected]'
$xAssignedto = @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.AssignedTo"
value = $vAssignedto
$xbody += $xAssignedto
$vTitle = "Compliance Project Test Task"
$xTitle = @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.Title"
value = $vTitle
$xbody += $xTitle
$vTags = "CPXCompliance"
$xTags = @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.Tags"
value = $vTags
$xbody += $xTags
$vAreaPath = "OSGS\CRE\Store Core\CSTSRE"
$xAreaPath = @{
op = "add"
path = "/fields/System.AreaPath"
value = $vAreaPath
$xbody += $xAreaPath
$body=$xbody | ConvertTo-Json
Add-DevopsTask $body $DOConfig
Actually I poked around on available fields and I was able create Service Change using PowerShell. I rest my case. thanks for the help.
We can use below WorkItemTrackingAreaId to create Service Change.
$WorkItemTrackingAreaId = "85f8c7b6-92fe-4ba6-8b6d-fbb67c809341"