When downloading a large folder (>50 GB) from Google Drive it'll split the download up in multiple smaller ZIP-files (about 2 GB each) which makes the original master folder a nightmare to put together again with all the files in their correct subfolders.
How do I merge/combine multiple downloaded ZIP-files from Google Drive on Mac?
Here's an existing thread about this that I couldn't reply to since I'm new to stackoverflow: Combine the split zip files downloading from Google Drive
In this thread, they mention this command:
mkdir combined
unzip '*.zip' -d combined
However, how do I make this command only unzip and combine my specific ZIP-files in my Downloads-folder and not all ZIP files on my entire drive? The command doesn't seem to specify the Downloads-folder, which makes me worried that it'll unzip and combine all files on my entire drive. I have some ZIP files on my hard drive that I don't want to unzip. Also, someone mentions this command doesn't work with characters in other languages (like û, å, ä, ö) so how can I make it work for my Swedish file names?
That two lines you mentioned will only unzip all .zip
files in your current directory, into a folder called combined
Here is what is does:
mkdir combined
creates a new directory called combined
.unzip '*.zip' -d combined
selects all files ending with .zip
, and puts their contents into `combined.Both of the two lines only operates on the current directory (That's why it is called "current working directory" - most commands in the terminal will not try to climb over your entire drive).
Since you mentioned that your ZIP files are in the Downloads
folder, you should first change your current directory, using the cd
command like this:
cd Downloads
And you have mentioned non-ASCII file names. In this case, "The Unarchiver" works better. Apart from a graphic application, it has a command-line utility called unar
. You can download it here or just brew install unar
For unar
, it cannot take multiple files at once (afaik), so you have
to construct a loop like this:
for archive in *.zip
unar -f "$archive" -o combined
Wrapping up, here is everything to run:
cd Downloads
mkdir combined
for archive in *.zip; do unar -f "$archive" -o combined; done
And your files will all be unarchived into Downloads/combined
By the way, welcome to Stack Overflow.