I'm experiencing an error "InternalError: too much recursion" when trying to push from my Layout to a Post site.
Code of Layout.vue:
watch(searchText, (newValue, oldValue) => {
log('Current State of SearchText', newValue);
if (newValue !== null) {
if (newValue.value !== undefined) {
let id = newValue.value;
// push to post with id
} else {
// todo: start search
I'm using the watch to react when my QSelect model value is changing.
My route:
{ path: '/post/:id', component: () => import('pages/Post.vue'),
My Post-page:
<q-page class="">
<Post // I'm getting no error when deleting this Component
import Post from 'src/components/PostComp.vue';
import { useRouter, useGetters, useActions } from '@u3u/vue-hooks';
import { ref } from '@vue/composition-api';
import moment from 'moment';
const debug = require('debug');
const log = debug('app:PostPage');
export default {
name: 'Post',
components: {
setup() {
const { route } = useRouter();
const post = ref({});
const getters = {
...useGetters('post', ['post']),
const actions = {
...useActions('post', ['findAll']),
log('params:', route.value.params);
const p1 = getters.post.value(route.value.params.id);
post.value = {
title: p1[0].title,
user: 'Mary Sullyman',
description: p1[0].description,
tags: p1[0].postTags,
comments: p1[0].commentDTOList,
date: moment(p1[0].createdDate).format('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm') + ' Uhr',
What I'm trying to do: I have a QSelect in my Toolbar to search for posts which works just fine. Now I'm trying to push to a dynamically generated site for the post clicked.
What if you remove name: 'Post'
(from export default)? The name you set matches the component tag name, so it falls into an infinite render loop.
See Recursive Components (still applies to Vue 3 even though it's from Vue 2 docs)