Testing the Javascript Implementation of MD5 here: http://www.webtoolkit.info/javascript-md5.html gives the following output:
MD5("muzaaya") = "00e081abefbbbf72b2d5258196a9b6d0"
Going to my erlang shell, and calculating the MD5 of the same value i get this:
Eshell V5.8.4 (abort with ^G) 1> erlang:md5("muzaaya"). <<0,224,129,171,239,187,191,114,178,213,37,129,150,169, 182,208>> 2>
How can i compare the two? If the MD5 result from the JavaScript front end app comes to my Erlang backend, i would like to be able to compare the two Digests. How can i match the Javascript MD5 digest to that of Erlang?
An MD5 hash is in essence a 128-bit number.
You receive the MD5 value in Erlang as a binary of 16 bytes (16 * 8 = 128 bits). Each byte in that binary has to be converted into hexadecimal representation to be comparable to JavaScript's MD5 output (which is a hexadecimal string with two characters per byte):
2> lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [B]) || <<B>> <= MD5]).
First, we take each byte from the binary and use the io_lib
module to format it to a hexadecimal string. Then we use the flatten function to display it as a readable string (although this isn't necessary if you're going to write the value to a file or a socket since they are able to handle deep io lists, nested lists of characters or binaries).
The format string used, ~2.16.0b
means format an integer (b
) using base 16
and padding to width 2
with the padding character 0
(see io:format/3
for a full guide).
If you want a binary, you could use the following binary comprehension instead:
3> << << (list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [C])))/binary >>
|| <<C>> <= MD5 >>.
(Instead of io_lib:format/2
there is also http_util:integer_to_hexlist/1
, although I don't know if it is faster)