So I am already running Jenkins pipelines with parallel base on the example from: Is it possible to create parallel Jenkins Declarative Pipeline stages in a loop?
I want to run each job in different isolated container, the agent name should be the same to all of them. Tried a few options all of them ended up withe errors, I think I need to use both declarative and scripted but not sure how. Things I tired:
def generateTerraformStage(env) {
return {
agent { label 'local_terraform' }
stage("stage: Terraform ${TERRAFORM_ACTION} ${env}") {
echo "${env}"
sleep 30
stage('parallel stages') {
agent { label 'local_terraform' }
steps {
script {
parallel parallelStagesMapEnvironment
One of the errors I got during testing:
"java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'agent' found among steps" and "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected named arguments but got org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsClosure2@560f3533"
Dynamic parallel stages could be created only by using Scripted Pipelines. The API built-it Declarative Pipeline is not available (like agent
, options
, when
I don't see any information that you really need dynamic stages (e.g. based on the value returned by a 3rd-party service), so I prepared two solutions:
block could be used to disable these which are not needed - e.g. passed in parameters)pipeline {
// ...
stages {
stage('dynamic parallel stages') {
steps {
script {
// params.ENVS == ['envA', 'envB', 'envC']
def values = params.ENVS.split(',')
def stages = [:]
for (def value in values) {
stages[value] = generateTerraformStage(value)
parallel stages
stage('static parallel stages') {
parallel {
stage('envA') {
agent { label 'local_terraform' }
when {
expression { return params.ENVS.split(',').contains('envA') }
steps {
terraformStageLogic 'envA'
stage('envB') {
agent { label 'local_terraform' }
when {
expression { return params.ENVS.split(',').contains('envB') }
steps {
terraformStageLogic 'envB'
stage('envC') {
agent { label 'local_terraform' }
when {
expression { return params.ENVS.split(',').contains('envC') }
steps {
terraformStageLogic 'envC'
// ...
Closure<Void> generateTerraformStage(env) {
return {
node('local_terraform') {
stage("stage: Terraform ${TERRAFORM_ACTION} ${env}") {
echo "${env}"
sleep 30
void terraformStageLogic(env) {
echo "${env}"
sleep 30
When you don't use the workspace in the stage responsible for generating or executing other stages (dynamic parallel stages
and static parallel stages
) then you don't need to allocate any node to it (waste of resources).