I try to access every role for the user 7b244fd8-5e1a-43af-9572-91d50784fda7
and found this code (Keycloak User Roles missing in REST API):
GET /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/users/{user-uuid}/role-mappings/clients/{client-uuid}
This is why I try to make the following GET request (Bearer token correctly provided)
I get an {"error": "Client not found" }
I guess the "admin-cli" in my code is wrong, but this is the Client ID in the master realm. Is this the wrong id? How can I make the request to get all roles for a specific user working?
I get an {"error": "Client not found" } error.
I guess the "admin-cli" in my code is wrong, but this is the Client ID in the master realm. Is this the wrong id? How can I make the request to get all roles for a specific user working?
You should use the ID of the client and not the client ID, which you can find on the url:
or via Rest Admin API:
GET /auth/admin/realms/{realm}/clients?clientId=$CLIENT_ID
The /auth
path was removed starting with Keycloak 17 Quarkus distribution, in that case the endpoint would be:
GET /admin/realms/{realm}/clients?clientId=$CLIENT_ID