I have implemented a class vl_vector and a deriv class vl_string, which is pretty similar to STL vector (vl_string is for chars and handles the '\0' char). I have overloaded the += operator for char, char * and another vl_string. declarations:
vl_string<StaticCapacity> operator+=(const vl_string<StaticCapacity>&vs);
vl_string<StaticCapacity> operator+=(const char *str);
vl_string<StaticCapacity> operator+=(char c);
Functions code:
template<size_t StaticCapacity>
vl_string<StaticCapacity> vl_string<StaticCapacity>::operator+= (const char *str)
size_t len = strlen(str);
//insert string before the '\0' char.
vl_string<StaticCapacity>::insert(this->end() - 1, str, str + len);
return *this;
template<size_t StaticCapacity>
vl_string<StaticCapacity> vl_string<StaticCapacity>::operator+= (const char c)
// push char to the end of string.
this->push_back (c);
return *this;
template<size_t StaticCapacity>
vl_string<StaticCapacity>::operator+= (const vl_string &vs)
auto first = vs.cbegin();
auto last = vs.cend() - 1; // to not include the '\0' char.
// iterate over vl_string and insert each char to the end of string.
while (first != last)
this->push_back (*first);
return *this;
I'm trying to run the following code to check my program:
vl_string<> vl_str;
vl_string<> vl_str_to_add = "Never gonna";
(((vl_str += vl_str_to_add) += ' ') += "say goodbye") += '\n';
assert(vl_str.contains ("Never gonna say goodbye\n"));
I'm following the program in debugger, and everything seems to work. In the end I get a vl_string the contains the full desired string. But when the program reach the end of the line, it calls the destructor and deletes everything except the first operation (vl_str += vl_str_to_add). Tried several things but I'm pretty stuck, would love an explanation. thanks!
The problem with your functions is that they return a copy of the object, not a reference.
vl_string<StaticCapacity>& operator+=(const vl_string<StaticCapacity>&vs);
vl_string<StaticCapacity>& operator+=(const char *str);
vl_string<StaticCapacity>& operator+=(char c);
// ^^^ Reference return type.