I have an issue on adding timestamp suffixes to files using spring integration.
Here is my FileWritingMessageHandler bean :
public FileWritingMessageHandler getFileWritingMessageHandler(String directory) {
FileWritingMessageHandler handler = new FileWritingMessageHandler(new File(directory));
return handler;
I tried with handler.setTemporaryFileSuffix(getCurrentTimeStamp());
but it does nothing
I tried also with a DefaultFileNameGenerator :
DefaultFileNameGenerator suffixFileNameGenerator = new DefaultFileNameGenerator();
suffixFileNameGenerator.setExpression("payload.name + '"+ getCurrentTimeStamp()+"'");
A timestamp is added but it's the same for all files. They are processed at different times so I would like to append that time to the file name. How can I achieve that ?
Thanks in advance for your help
You are getting the time once and adding it as a literal to the expression.
You need to get the timestamp at runtime instead of bean initialization time; use the T
operator to invoke a static method:
suffixFileNameGenerator.setExpression("payload.name + T(System).currentTimeMillis()");