and couldn't find the answer on the internet. Is there a way to do something if an useEffect is called and do something else if useEffect is not called. Like an if statement?
**if** (useEffect(() => {
},[hello]) {
call a function } **else** {
call another function}
The goal is to call a function if the var hello changes and call another one is hello doesn't change. Thank you.
you can achieve that if you call useEffect
on every render and by creating a couple of custom hooks to check the previous values of your state-props.
const Component = (props) => {
const hasHelloChanged = useHasChanged(hello);
useEffect(() => {
if (hasHelloChanged) {
// your code if hello has changed
} else {
// your code if it hasn't
return <>...</>;
const useHasChanged= (value) => {
const prevValue = usePrevious(value);
return prevValue !== value;
const usePrevious = (value) => {
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
return ref.current;
You can take a look on this thread for more