Caller: C++ code
Callee: C# code
C# Code:
public int CSharpMethodName(string str, params object[] args)
C++ Code:
bool CPPMethodName(const CString& cstr, CString parameters[])
//The object is already initialized with gcroot in order to access to C# code.
//Here I want to give parameters to the CSharpMethodName
result = obj->CSharpMethodName(gcnew System::String(sqlQuery), parameters);
This is the signature for C# method when added to the C++ project as a reference:
CSharpMethodName(System::String^, ... array<System::Object^>^)
How can I give the CString array type of the parameters to the CSharp method? Please let me know if anything is not clear.
I found out that I have to convert unmanaged array to managed array.
Here is the complete code that works for me:
bool CPPMethodName(const CString& cstr, const CString parameters[], size_t size)
cli::array<System::String^>^ managedParametersArray = GetManagedArray(parameters, size);
result = obj->CSharpMethodName(gcnew System::String(sqlQuery), managedParametersArray );
return result;
cli::array<System::String^>^ AdoHelperWrapper::GetManagedArray(const CString paramaters[], size_t size)
cli::array<System::String^>^ result = gcnew cli::array<System::String^>(size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
result[i] = gcnew System::String(paramaters[i]);
return result;